Assessment of final objectives
100GbEthernet is receiving more and more attention, not only for short reach data and computing infrastructure, but also as a possible unifying technology for transport over the whole telecom network. Different technical solutions are proposed to provide this 100Gbit/s data rate, and proponents of these different solutions are actively involved in promoting recommendations for standards. As for the 100Gbit/s OOK series transmission, two objectives have been identified as important: (i) assessment of the transmission potential and reach, (ii) demonstration of TX and RX with suitable characteristics and cost. These objectives have been at the centre of GIBON activities.
Dissemination activities
GIBON achieved top-ranking results which have been publicized by partners through international papers and communications (see publications list).
Exploitation plans
* GIBON has generated a substantial amount of knowledge, which the partners are willing to exploit to a large extent in future R&D activities and projects: technological integration platforms for EAM-based Photonic Integrated Circuits and Photoreceivers for spectral-efficient transmission, but also large bandwidth packaging know-how and high bit rate transmission concepts.
* Another path for exploitation of GIBON results is by teaching courses benefiting from activities carried out in GIBON; this holds in particular for DTU partners.
* A third path for exploitation is through providing access to GIBON results to interested parties.
- Parameters for the scalable HBT model have been determined by DTU-EMI associated with the 1.5 and 0.7 µm HBT process developed by ATL. The methodology to determine the parameters is available at DTU-EMI to interested parties (contact T.K. Johansen).
- The EML process has been developed at ATL for several years. During GIBON, this process was further enhanced to provide structures suitable for very high-speed operation. In the frame of the CELTIC project 100GET, EML operating at 100Gbit/s (On-Off-Keying) and packaged with a matched driver will be delivered to Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs in Stuttgart for assessment of their 100Gbit/s NRZ transmission potential.
- In the course of GIBON, HHI developed a passivation process for their very high-speed pin photodiodes. This process has been made available to u2t, as a GIBON result.
- Several 100Gbit/s mixed signal ICs (selector, full 2:1 MUX, driver, decision circuit, full DEMUX) have been developed in the course of GIBON. Ways to turn some of these ICs into commercial packaged prototypes is now under discussion, with one SME; other interested parties are welcome and should contact ATL (contact J. Godin).
- The demultiplexing pin photodiode (or demultiplexing pin-TWA) was a notable GIBON success. Both ATL and HHI are willing to turn this achievement into commercially available prototypes. As an extension to GIBON, more sensitive demultiplexing ICs and a full 1:2 DEMUX have been designed and fabricated. Following the currently done evaluation process, prototypes will be advertised on the HHI website (contact H-G. Bach).
- During the whole project, packaging of 100 Gbit/s O/E modules has been a topic of interest for ATL, HHI and DTU-EMI. I particular the later has developed a broad expertise which is now available to interested parties (contact T.K. Johansen).
* Finally, GIBON partners have developed a broad knowledge about 100GBit/s opto-electronic and electronic technologies; the project is now over, but each partner is working on new developments in the same technical area, and each partner is open to further enquiries from interested parties.